Ground Breaking New Technology to aid in Ranching/Farming - Cow Stilts

In response to the large number of livestock lost to the recent hurricane disasters because of the level of flood waters, the united Stinky Animal Raising Brotherhood has solicited solutions to the existing problems. One of the problems being the amount of time and effort it takes to evacuate large numbers of heads of live stock from any given potential disaster area.
To specifically address this problem, and in response to the request from the U.S.A.R.B., the Really Smart Scientific Boys and Girls and Their Pets Club has un-veiled a long kept scientific development for just that specific problem. They introduced the Cow Stilts to the oohs and aahhs of thousands of really impressed Ranchers.
"I'll be if'n that ain't just what we need!" said Pointyboots McCowpie. "We 'a been 'a looking for something like this for years.... decades even. I ain't sure how those boy's in the old western days managed... 'specially without these new fangled fancy Cow Stilts. I s'pose some thangs fancy 'er purty alright, don'cha recon? 'Specialy if'n they can keep my prize cows from dyin' off in the flood waters."
While demonstrating the Cow Stilts, it was learned that it is really based on a rather simple concept... to keep the cows head above the water when it can't be moved from the general area. At first glance it would seem that the design would allow for movement of the cows as they grazed... but was soon ascertained that being five or more feet above the ground, the cows can't reach the grass anyway. They are designed to elevate the cows in a stationary manner. The Cow Stilts literally stick into the ground. The cows then, just stand atop them and moo until the waters recede.
The original design had to be manually adjusted to accommodate the level of flood waters being encountered. The newer models extend and retract automatically and operate on two AA batteries (not included).
This should really revolutionize the Ranching and Farming industry. It was leaked to the public that a design of stilts for large equipment is on the drawing board... first out should be the space age designed Tractor Stilts... with larger versions for Combines, Threshers and even Balers.
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