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Media Spoofs

News, Media Spoofs and Commentary.

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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Saturday, October 14, 2006


The much touted and widely promoted "Automatic Reincarnation Machine" has proven once and for all that media promotion does not exactly equate to popularity.

It would seem that people do make some decisions for themselves, after all. Though it is still agreed that most of those decisions are based on advertisement campaigns and other silly ploys which manage to get the quick buck.

At the demonstration Expo for the Automatic Reincarnation Machine held recently in Western Canada - Sponsored by several Western Canadian Financial Institutions, a considerable percentage of those in attendance made it very clear that while it was a novel idea to be reincarnated upon the time of one's demise, none of them could see any substantial reason for doing so as it just didn't make any sense given the modern direction of society and the majority of those which comprise it.

"Who in their right mind would actually want to come back to this crap?" Stated Dr. Blowsananner. "A person of any considerable intellect would have to be mad to even consider wanting a return into a realm so over populated with asses in human form. It would be insane to actually subject one's own self to a returned trip into such a realm" continued the good Doctor.

"Given the progressive level of consumer mentalities, how could anyone not entirely insane even want of such a return? The fact that it is usually the immeasurable levels of ignorance which win out in such selection, would give anyone with half a brain pause in wanting to subject themselves to the continued progression of multiplying said ignorance within this realm of reality. As for the use I see you have installed here with the automatic multiple incarnator switch... that is just as crazy. It is like insisting on the spread of meat headed directives over and above the now inane measure of their proliferation to begin with. How could anyone be expected to want of existence among such levels of absolute and nearly immeasurable meat headed mentalities? These people can't even keep their own accounting books straight, how would anyone expect them to maintain something which is inherently designed to benefit the progress and development of humanity? As if it weren't obvious as to the tendency toward usage now, being the continued growth of wide spread topical ignorance... how could it ever be anything different than amounting to things growing into adult hood as nothing more than slobbering imbeciles wanting of anything that had a shiny gleam to it? Pure insanity, I say" then touted the good Doctor.

This of course left those in attendance and of course those promoting the nifty aspects of the Automatic Reincarnation Machine, speechless. Dumbfounded no less when it finally occurred to them that the most hideous and lacking of human creatures does usually win out in the play ground mentality of modern society. Why not just remove all forms of education and higher expectations for the development of humanity now and save everyone the headache and embarrassment of watching it transpire under some silly ploy where everyone has to act like it is brilliant for fear of their miserable lives?

It then occurred to people that the multiple incarnation aspect was just as what the Doctor had described it to have become in the sense that it really was only the biggest, scariest meatheads that now had any access to use of it.

Why not just give everyone a huge dose of stupidity as they exit the womb? Augmented of course with a considerable dose of narcissism and topical greed directed at ANYTHING someone else, no matter how long ago, said was worth something? Then of course, justify such directions with snappy commercials and jingles so as to sooth the ever growing population of hideous monsters now utilizing the very essence of development within humanity.

"Maybe we should have just designed and built a Neato Commercial Machine instead" stated the head experimenter guy that was promoting his new invention. "At least a Neato Commercial Machine would make the meat heads already having gained some dominance feel better about themselves, wouldn't it? They could sing along to the very, extremely simple jingles and feel as though it actually meant a squirt of piss! Then everyone could be happy watching reruns of game shows on their super scientific television receptor device!"

"I suppose such an atmosphere would continue to be more and more conducive to social reruns as well. Perhaps even become more susceptible to outright annihilation tactics which fell miserably to failure within the advance of the human species when they made their debut, which of course would serve to bolster the ego driven aspects of said meat headed directives.

It is crazy to think that people actually want to use the Automatic Reincarnation Machine to again promote such failed directions.... but not nearly as crazy, it does seem, as to forsake the want of promoting a need for broadcast entertainment."

In having heard Doctor Blowsananner give his impromptu interpretation of resulting dynamics from such an automatic machine, everyone in attendance made great realizations.

The biggest of which seemingly being the grateful and most thankful response to those having invented TiVo... since it was now obvious that this convention exposition of the Automatic Reincarnation Machine was a flop, and it would have been a shame to miss their favorite programs because of it.

Thank goodness for the modern advance of human comforts!


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