Edward Kennedy's Cessna was struck by lightening yesterday just after he had completed a presentation at a popular arts school. The plane was rendered without electrical instruments and it was reported that the pilot had to land it manually.
After a short investigation into the cause of the lightening incident, it was revealed that it was no natural phenomena in the least. Several students admitted anonymously that they had orchestrated the lightening strike because they were jealous.
It seems they were a bit envious of the fact that Edward Kennedy went to an art school and partied with them instead of hanging with the science nerds and the like. "Hey!" said Nerdy Mcsnerd, "Nerds aren't what they used to be.... we can party with the best of them!"
An unexpected development from the lightening strike was somewhat of a surprise to those who aren't familiar with the long term exposure effect of the theory of evolution as it is most widely upheld upon the celebrity and political population of the United States. As result of the high intensity lightening blast, those effects already noticeable in and on Edward Kennedy were amplified to the effect that his speech was even digressing when he addressed the media about the incident. Those in his regular company assured everyone that the knuckle dragging wasn't out of place as he has been practicing it for several months now in hopes of being selected to participate in the new Living Caveman Displays set to be implemented around the United States.
"It...Oohh Oooh Oohhh... is something I...ooh ooh oohh really look forward to being a...ooh ooh ooh oohh part of" said Mr. Kennedy about the Modern Exhibit. "It will beat...ooh ooh ohh the hell oohh oooh ooh ohhh out of dealing with the chimps in Washington day in and day out...ooh ooh. I hope to plan my retirement around it."
When asked about his opinion of the M.I.T. students and their seemingly reckless behavior with such powerful equipment.... he responded saying "Ah.. really that's nothin'..... you should see what they do if they don't get to do something at the Harvard/Yale game!"
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