Harpo-potamus Rex Un-Earthed Near Dead Sea Scrolls!
"Putting the archaeological and paleontology worlds into quite the mind frame of puzzlement, and threatening to overshadow the spotlight on evolution from primates," a small crew of archaeologists stumbled upon what has proved to be quite a "shocker," reported the Society To Poke AroUnd Old Scarey Lizard Bones.
While searching for relics from aroUnd the same age as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the small dig happened upon proof of what many thought to be merely a creature which existed only in stories. The Harpo-potamus Rex. A full skull was recovered from a small wash after a large rain storm in the area.
The Harpo-potamus Rex posses many questions to the "learned" societies of the world. Firstly, where exactly did the genetic strains find divergence. Then further, how does this relate to the theory of evolution as it stands? If it is that such a pronounced relationship provably exists between the Harpo Marx genetic strain and the Hippopotamus genetic strain, then many more questions are yet to be answered pertaining to the idea of humans having evolved solely from the primate "tree." What is more, is that this find proves the existence of very close relations between humans and the pre-historic era beyond the neolithic stage.
To address this find, a very well known expert on paleontology and anthropology, Mr. Lookahere issued a statement;
"It is undeniable!" Exclaimed Mr. Lookahere. "Look at the distinctive horn on the snout..... the Harpo hair follicals. Entirely open and shut regarding the divergence of Harpo-potamus Rex into two individual strains."
"This historic find has long been awaited.... though none expected such a clue as a "missing link" to the origins of man as being so non-monkey like... not to mention as extremely funny as having a direct genetic connection to Harpo Marx," He continued; "It is that such a find should prove beyond description in value pertaining to mapping the origins of the human species."
It would appear that some time before the age where-in it is thought that "Lucy" existed, and even further both geographically and in a time sense than the most recent altering discovery of "Toumai," the Harpo-potamus Rex not only existed but thrived. It was sometime in the late dinosaur age that the genetic divergence is thought to have taken place. Thus producing the genetic line which gave the world Harpo Marx and the genetic line which produced the modern hippopotamus.
If it is that the specific point of divergence could be "nailed down," much more could be learned immediately pertaining to the human species.
There are several other really interesting attributes aroUnd this discovery. The Harpo-potamus Rex was a veracious carnivore, which explains the obvious survivability of the Harpo Marx strain.... as the hippopotamus is very much a vegetable/plant eater. Another obvious directions within the divergence, is that the hippopotamus lost the ability to "honk" and as all know, the Harpo Marx strain not only retained it, but used it considerably well... with even more efficiency than did the Harpo-potamus Rex. The Harpo-potamus Rex having depended on the "honk" entirely for it's survival in both the aspect of solely "honking" it's prey into submission, as well as in defensive measures.
There has been recent talk of utilizing modern embryology to "re-animate" a Harpo-potamus Rex purely for the purpose of study. This being done through cloning using samples from the Harpo-potamus Rex find, and the hippopotamus embryo.
"All are quite excited about this find," said Mr. Lookahere, "Except Bubbles, we are told... it seems he is entirely green with envy."
The S.P.A.O.S.L.B. has declined further comment pending the results of the embryonic cloning, which we will bring full coverage of.
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