With the ramifications of such a find on the anthropology world, many spotlights have been focused on this recent find. It may in fact, again be the ever elusive “missing link” which will once and for all prove that humans metamorphed firstly from an aquatic species, then to monkeys and finally to the present or similar “human like” manifestation.
“Heck,” said Dr. Makesitup “we just got to thinking about it and figured that monkey fins would be the thing to finally show everyone that humans, through “survival of the fittest,” morphed from a fish like creature…...into monkey like creatures and then into what we are now as the smaller, hairless and much less efficient creature to HAVE SURVIVED IN THE WILD AS WHAT WE CURRENTLY ARE THROUGH SOMETHING SUCH AS SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST and/or “natural selection” as many have come to understand it… thus taking some of the heat off of that aspect in presenting irrefutable proof that there once was a MONKEY FIN creature. Further, we plan on firming the “progression” through relating the monkey’s on one side of the MONKEY FIN creature, to sea monkeys on the other… which will make it all the more believable in the popular culture of the modern day.”
“That sounds very firm and founded Dr. Makesitup,” I stated in response to his description of the Monkey Fin plan of action, “there really should be no problem with getting that past the empty heads glued to the television sets that’s for sure.
“Yeah,” he said, “we don’t really even have to say it is all science like and stuff any more… we just get someone from a big University to say it is authentic, and WHAMO! There we are on the front page with our MONKEY FIN! What a country! Besides, if anyone catches us... we will just say that we are all college graduates and are smarter than them... and then we will say that they must believe in something as silly as god, even though it has nothing to do with a MONKEY FIN... it works every time.”
"What do you do if someone else comes up with something before you do or that makes more sense than a MONKEY FIN?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Well" he began, "first we find out if they have any lawyers or went to any fancy school.... and if not.. then we just steal it and say that they are crazy until they let one of us have it... then we say it was the best idea ever to happen."
“Interesting. You don’t think anyone will question a Monkey Fin?” I asked him… when you think about it a little… it just sounds nearly impossible. Shouldn’t you people be a bit more careful in the “puzzle piece” aspects that you keep throwing into the “linear development” idea? It could get pretty dumb if you aren’t careful, right? Like… what could be after a Monkey Fin?” I then asked him.
“Ah… heck” he replied, “we’ll just let someone else worry about that one… but who knows… maybe an Elephant Fin or a Tiger Flipper just to substantiate the Monkey Fin?”
“Thanks for your time Dr. Makesitup, I am sure that a person as educated and advanced as yourself is pretty busy. Enjoy the Monkey Fin success….” I said as we parted. “Hey!” I then yelled, “maybe you can open a souvenir stand and sell some Monkey Fins or something? I bet people would buy it!”
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