It was recently discovered that the strict adherence to the idea and theory of evolution as if it were gospel truth, has produced an uncanny and somewhat baffling effect on the celebrity population of the United States of America.
It seems that the strict promotion and adherence to such claims (many of which that still remain unproven beyond massive speculation), has taken it's toll on those most exposed to the propagation and those most caught up in the effort to maintain such a hard line based on the "convenient jigsaw" tactics which have been employed in presenting and defending the theory of evolution as it is most commonly upheld. This has resulted in rather interesting developments which all can agree are freakish at the least.
In the effort to combat the likewise misconstrued and misused (ecclesiastically) idea of "god" or a "higher power," those proponents of the theory of evolution may have just painted themselves into an inverted direction of their beliefs in some strange physiological effect stemming from psychological conditioning and that relationship with physical developments... not to mention the "Secret Evil Scientist Society" based largely in Hollywood, California.
What is even more interesting about this discovery (and I will have you know that I have exclusive access to the story basically because I am the one that hacked the Secret Evil Scientist Society's data base and records on all the celebrity's involved) is that it has had a "two way" effect in many cases. There are those celebrities which have "progressed" from chimp like creatures into what people perceive them as while "on," and there are those which have "digressed" in and under the light and scrutiny of celebrity.. along with the actions of the Secret Evil Scientist Society. Following are some "before and after" photographs as well as some photographs that have been stripped of the "Movie Magic" element as well as the concealing make up of a few examples in the celebrity arena.... many of which are still in a "transitional phase" which is the biggest reason for so much make up and costuming.
Here You See George W. Bush As We Are Familiar With Him
Here You See The Likeness Of George W. Bush As He Truly Appears Within The Process Of His Adherence To The Idea Of Evolution As We Know It.
Here You See A Young Hillary Clinton
Here You See Hillary Clinton After Long Years In The Political Celebrity Arena
Here You See The Same Photo Stripped Of The Technological Embellishments
Here You See The Most Widely Known Likeness Of Janet Reno
Here Is The Same Likeness Without The Technological Touch Up
Here You See Jim Carrey BEFORE Celebrity
Here You See Jim Carrey Just At The Beginning Of His career
Here You See The "propagated" Seinfeld In A Very Familiar Promotional Photograph
Here Is The Same Photograph WITHOUT The Various Filters And "Hollywood Magic"
Here Is The Likeness Of Britney Spears As Most Are Familiar With
Here Is A Close Up Of That Same Photo After Being Stripped Of The Touch Ups
Here Is The Wonderful Courtney Love As Many See Her
Here Is A Closer Look Without The Aid Of Modern Media Manipulation
Here Is A Photograph Of Jay Leno As He Is Widely Recognized
Her Is The Same Photograph A Little Closer And Sans Make Up
Here is A Promo Photo Of Leno On A Motor Cycle
Here Is A Closer Look At That Photograph Stripped Of The Filters It Had Been Treated With
Here Is A Familiar Promotional Scene From A Tom Cruise Movie
Here Is A Close Up Of Tom Cruise In That Same Scene WITHOUT The Assistance Of "Movie Magic"
Here You See The Young David Letterman As Many Saw Him
Here Is A Close Up Of The Same Photograph Without Make Up
Here Is A Recent Promotional Photograph Of David Letterman
Here Is The Close Up Of That Promotional Photograph As He Really Appears. Note The Slight Changes As Per The Effect Of The Progression Within Adhering Too Literally To The Idea Of Evolution As We Are Most Familiar With It.
This strange occurrence isn't just limited to certain areas within the celebrity population. In fact, it is very prominent in most all of it as you can see here;
This is a young Lars Ulritch in an early promo photo before we stripped the technological effects.
This is a close up of that same photograph after we removed the embellishments
Here you see a recent photograph of Stevie Nicks as many perceive her
Here then is a close up of the same photograph after removing the filtration
Here is a photograph of the Vegas Tycoon, Steve Wynn as the public knows him to appear
Here is a close up of the actual Steve Wynn after the long term effects of being exposed to a strict adherence to the idea of evolution as we most commonly perceive it
Here is the beautiful and Talented Sara Silverman as many have come to know her through the media in a recent promotional photograph.
Here is a close up of the very same photograph without the aid of "Movie Magic"
(as a note, many speculate that this "over exposure" begins with Saturday Night Live, as it has been most prominent and pronounced once celebrities have been affiliated with, or appeared on Saturday Night Live- admittedly, this is still very much speculation...but not so much as is the modern understanding of evolution)
Here is a promo photo of Alanis Morissette, the Canadian pop star.
Here is the same photograph in a close up which can be easily seen as the very effect I am speaking of pertaining to over exposure. (as well, another note pertaining to a relationship with Canada...being that much of Saturday Night Live is of Canadian origins- perhaps only a coincidence)
Here is Alanis performing as many saw her
Here is a close up of the same photograph without the make up or the special effects...including the tactics to hypnotize the live audience.
Here is a more recent photograph of Lars Ulritch
Here is the same photograph in close up without the effects. Note the subtle advance of the condition from his earlier years... more the way it has "progressed" even through becoming more refined and less pronounced.
Here again is Morisette as many see her
Here is the exposed close up of the very same photograph.
Here is a recent promotional photgraph of James Hetfield.
Here is the very same photograph as a close up and without the special effects. Note the different level of effect from the condition on his progression than that of his band mate, Lars. This illustrates that the effect of the over exposure is different on different people.
As anyone can see, this effect acts directly contrary to the "innate" human desire to progress and develop. Factually, a person could say that this effect is even amplified with and within the dynamic and reach of the modern media.
If a person considers it, the idea of "humans progressing" is very nearly negated within the very effort to do so. More so, within the very technological and applied (however misconstrued) ideological developments we as a species have managed not only to suspend our progress "away" from those animal elements which permeate and mix with our "human" elements... but as well, we have managed to magnify and promote the developmental effects of them on our physical as well as mental state of existence in adhering so rigidly (and many times happenstance and blindly in a pig headed manner) to those outlines which were put forward in an age when we as a species didn't even have the insight into molecular or physiological make up which we have today.
I am in no way discounting the idea of "development" in the human creature... only presenting hard evidence that the direction of use within such ideas which we currently employ, has caused an adverse effect within our developmental trates which can be easily seen in these photograph examples.
As far as "development" of the human creature is concerned, it is very easy to see that such is very much the case simply when observing the human tendency throughout history to organize and develop within societies. I simply contend that this direction naturally is an innate effort to steadily highlight and concentrate the more human elements within the species and its variations, very much in a manner as a person can see in the development of more simple betterments within our existence.
The problem is, from what I can tell, is the human effort itself to do so even without the knowledge of such leanings. To "try" is to fail in that sense as a person can easily see in these evidentiary photographs. We as a species have somehow become so enthralled with ourselves, that we think we can better the larger process itself to the degree of overtaking it.
Granted, humans have developed "betterments" within our existence.... but then again, some of those "betterments" have proven to be nothing more than problematic on the larger sense.
So in that, we must consider much more within such applied developmental degrees... least we all end up as has most of the celebrity population.
As well we must take into account to what level these examples of humanity are being manipulated from the direction of the Secret Evil Scientist Society as well as the Secret Order of The Captured Government Alien Creatures. There is really no way of telling how far their basic molecular structures have been manipulated with special secret ray guns and exposure to mind bending technological gizmos that we as creatures just ain't got what it takes to fully comprehend yet.
I will keep this story updated as I happen upon more photographic evidence of such physical and physiological changes.
I should mention the recent discovery of "MONKEY FINS!"
Watch Out! Monkey Fins just grow out of no where! You could be developing them now!
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