It is now no longer acceptable to determine the length and girth of the penis with either standard unit of measure, much because the prudes and snoots of the planet could no longer stand the fact that such units were used for such purposes as well as determining their shoe sizes. This is also the result due to snoots and prudes teaming with the supposed "feminists" around the world. It seems that the view from the "feminist" perspective is that the use of the standard forms of measure in such determinations as is the length and girth of the penis, is unfair to them(the "feminists")because they do not have a penis of their own to measure but still must use the established forms of measure in their daily life for other purposes. Such is a gross in-equality, in their opinions.
Personally, I think it could be argued that measuring a penis is exactly the reason why units of measure were developed to begin with simply through a rough understanding of human nature.
It would seem that in the great arena of "pong" where in which all things are decided, that "penis measuring" lost out to the "foot measurers" and "feminists" in the contest to yet horde something else that is meaningless to horde in the first place.... that being the allowed use of standard units of measure in determining the length and girth of the penis.
Shown in the photo is the "new and improved" method by which any person seeking to do so must now employ in the act of measuring the human(or any other) penis. It is a specially developed implement which automatically combines the former "length" and "girth" measurements into one simple numerical representation. Of course this means no less than decades of confusion in the public arena while it is that the effort to continuously explain the new measure to all interested is undertaken... again, continuously.
"It is more fair that people have to measure a peter some other way than the standard forms that we have to use, too" said Ms. Pelfnerenvy, "it doesn't matter that no-one is going to understand for as long as we can keep them confused because we are jealous and have no pee pee to measure of our own."
This must be used under threat of indefinite imprisonment (condoned by every government in the supposed free world) without any form of representation or recourse with which to resolve the now illegal use of any standard form of measure in examining the penis.
This will be enforced by and from the ranks of the supposed "modern feminist" groups world wide and in a clandestine manner so as to utilize the optimum effect of a strange, new type of cold war mentality.... mostly because they obviously have nothing else to do with their own lives as they enjoy the safety of what should be freedom in an obviously "over-safe" society, in a manner as to provide plenty of useless misery for everyone else.
Moron this story as it develops.
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