Congress Convenes at Wishing Well.

Washington - Members of Congress as well as other executive branches of the U.S. government met in secrecy last week at an undisclosed wishing well.
The purpose of this highly classified meeting was in the attempt to actually do something about the recent problems plaguing the U.S. including the record high international trade deficit- hoping that it all would just magically be taken care of, and of course in an attempt to look like they were fulfilling their duties as elected officials of a considerable governing body.
It is reported that all of congress and much of the White House executives met at the secret wishing well, and all of them, on a count of three flipped a coin into the shimmering yet murky water below after promising that they would each wish for the trade deficit to be reduced.
They didn't report the "meeting" for a week because they "didn't want to jinx it" said Condoleezza Rice in an official statement pertaining to "Operation Wishing Well" as it was dubbed. "unfortunately," continued Rice, "it seems to have worked backwards... in some respects... unless someone 'wished wrong'.... that is, went against the agreed simultaneous wish."
When they convened again to discuss the results of their ploy, Chairman Nussle of the House Budget Committee showed up in a brand new Hummer with a "Magic Kingdom" mural painted on it sporting a tinker bell and all, out fitted with a Christina Aguilera look-a-like in the passenger seat... Hilary Clinton "no showed" and could not be reached for comment due to a surprise vacation to the Bahama's in a brand new Camero.
"Obviously," stated Rice, "something must have gone wrong... or then again, maybe right depending on how you look at it.... now, if you ladies and gentlemen will excuse me, I have a date with Brad Pitt. Who knew it would actually work? How is my hair?"
"Operation Wishing Well" has been officially classified as "on going" in the effort to continue the unchecked opportunities to procure un-declared personal gains.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is reportedly furious that state Governors were "not invited to the wishing well thing," as was Alan Greenspan for similar reasons.
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